Worship Resources
Worship Planning Resources
Bruce Prewer Home Page
John van de Laar: Methodist South Africa (Sacredise)
Carol Penner-Monnonite – USA
Pilgrim UC Adelaide
CMLA Worship Resources (Password protected)
Preaching and worship leading
The Text this week
Working Preacher
Lectionary Related Websites
Anna Grant-Hendersons Home Page
Bill Loaders Home Page
Howard Wallaces Home Page
Liturgies Online (Moira Laidlaw)
Mustard Seeds (Ann Scull)
The Billabong (Rev Jeff Shrowder)
UCA Assembly website resources for worship and music
Illuminate Site
Lectionary link
Together to Celebrate: Contemporary Christian Music Resources for Worship (Rev David MacGregor
Singing the Lectionary (Natalie Sims)
Morialta Song list (PPT)
Acknowledgements of Country
Some resources that worship leader might like to consider.
Link to visual resources for our Kaurna Welcome
From before recorded time, the First Peoples (Nations) cared for this land.
We praise the Creator for the beauty of this Land and honour those who have offered themselves in tending it.
We acknowledge the Elders and communities (of the ……….People) who have told the sacred stories and nurtured faithfulness to the Creator.
We ask God’s blessing on those who continue to work for the healing and restoration of this Land and Her Communities.
————————————————————————————————–- As we look upon the hills and valleys, we see the love poured out on this land by those who have cared for this Land since time beyond measure. We honour those who have gone before and those who are yet to come.
May we be mindful of the calling God places on humanity to care for Creation.
May we take the lead from the …………..People whose stories are entwined with the stewarding of this place.
May we learn from them and walk with them in God’s Covenant.
————————————————————————————————— The ancient of Days breathed life into this land and Her Peoples.
From Time beyond our reckoning the ………… People have blessed this place though their law and customs, their care and concern.
We pay our respects to their Elders and Leaders, past and present, and pray for the future of their communities.
May we walk gently and respectfully on this land.
————————————————————————————————- This is God’s Land.
Many have gone before who have honoured God by caring for this Land, in the way they have lived and stories they have shared.
We give thanks for the ……….people, who have held as sacred the duty of protecting the Land and living in harmony with it.
May God honour and bless them – now and to eternity.
Living Books Giving Life
The Library is conveniently situated to the left of the front entrance and next to the church office.
Books and other items can be borrowed when the church is open, by recording your details in the book provided. If you are a new borrower, please make sure to enter your up-to-date contact details in the borrower’s register – they will be erased from the register once they have been entered in our private computer file.
The Loan Period is 4 weeks, with extensions available as needed.
Books and other items can be returned by placing in the Return Box in the library.
Hall and Spaces for use and Hire – Magill
Morialta Uniting Church, while working in the present and looking to the future, cherishes the contribution made by the people of the congregations in this area who have, over time, joined together to form the current congregation. These include Magill Methodist Church, Montacute Methodist Church, Newton Methodist Church, Rostrevor Congregational Church and Finchley Park Presbyterian Church.
On 2 December 1990 Morialta Uniting Church was formed with Magill, Finchley Park, Newton and Rostrevor Churches uniting to form one congregation with two worship centres Chapel Street, Magill and Bonvue Road, Rostrevor.
Video of the service 2 December 1990
The Book Mark (right) was made available to all to celebrate the occasion.
If you would like to know more about the history and memories of the early churches and Morialta Uniting Church and its people told in words and photographs, please click on the links below.
Past Events
Adelaide Male Voice Choir, 15 October 2023
Dawoodi Bohras –Morialta Uniting Church
Lunch – 23rd April 2023
Kym Purling Concert March 24 2019
Bob’s Induction 30 July 2017
Urban Mission Network at Morialta 2016
Library Event
Peter Rabbit Birthday Party
We celebrate 140 years of the Morialta Church Building
Why do we keep archives?
We keep archives as a living record of the past. We preserve the stories of past congregations, the people and the artefacts of these people.
Archives are not just about the past, they are also about our living present. As pilgrims of the Uniting Church, here at Morialta, we gather and tell our stories, often inspired by God.
Promoting awareness of our stories and our resources through public history events, and making these stories accessible to our own church community and the wider community is what we try to do in keeping archives.
Longbottom Memorial stained glass window
For further information about the Morialta Archives please contact the office.