- 10:00-12:00 – Japanese playgroup
contact Tomoko 0402 278 547
Come along on Monday mornings and join with the Japanese -speaking group with your pre-school child(ren).
- 1:30 – 2:30 – Tai Chi style exercise.
Mind, body and spirit are exercised simultaneously by this ancient Chinese health exercise called Qigong, a simple and repetitive form related to Tai Chi. This group of enthusiasts follows an informal, self-directed program using DVDs, that is not too strenuous or intimidating. contact the office (fee is $3 – no booking required)
contact Xanthia 0400 777 016
- Community Shed –
Well equipped and laid out, our workshop caters for a wide range of skill levels, with expert advice on hand at most times. Enjoy the camaraderie of like-minded people.
Wednesday afternoon from 1.00 to 3.00pm. Afternoon tea is provided.
Expectations: Workshop participants must abide by the safety provisions set. Some equipment will require formal training before use is permitted. Generally participants need to be self directed. A weekly fee of $2 applies, which includes afternoon tea.

- ABCD Yoga
6:00pm to 7:00pm
Contact Rubina Phone : 0469 065 877 email : rubina@abcdyoga.com.au |
Wanting to relax, wind down? Have a breather? Everyone is very welcome to come to Morialta UC Friendship Group, which meets every Third Thursday at 10:00 am, either in the church hall or for an excursion.
Contact the church office for more information!

- 9:30 – 11:30 – Art & Craft
We are a mutually supportive group working at all levels on projects including, painting, drawing, embroidery, knitting, crochet and more. Bring your own materials, and artwork to continue or start something new. Cost $2 per session, includes tea and coffee. All welcome. Come along and join us.
- 4:00 – 6:00 – Gateways is a group within Morialta Uniting Church which provides an opportunity to explore issues of faith in a safe and welcoming environment.
The group, which meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month offers friendship, acceptance and encouragement as, through books, DVDs and discussion we explore ideas and challenges of contemporary Christian scholars.
- 7:00pm – 10:00pm – Wild Frontier Square Dance Club contact David – bierton@iinet.net.au

Children’s Art Classes Painting, Drawing, Clay and more!
for 5-15 yr olds.
On Saturday’s during school term. 4 class times to choose from

Other Activities

- Social Tennis, contact the office
- Library –
open Mon-Fri 9am – 1pm We have a small community library, with books for all ages, as well as DVDs. Anyone is welcome to come and borrow items – we are open every morning during the week. Donations of items for the library also welcome.