Meeting of the Congregation

Next Meeting

Sunday 23 February 2025 – after the 10:00am service (aprox 11:15am)
This meeting will be to consider a recommendation from the Joint Nominating Committee.


Sunday 1 December 2024 after the 10:00am service

15 mins after the benediction at close of 10:00 worship

 Draft Agenda

  1. Welcome and Kaurna Acknowledgement: Bruce Ind
  2. Procedural motion: that the meeting be chaired by the Deputy Chairperson of Council, Margaret Cargill, with minutes taken by Craig Mackenzie
  3. Apologies
  4. Confirmation of the agenda
  5. Confirmation: Minutes of meeting held 21/4/2024 (taken as read)
  6. Interim report from the Joint Nominating Committee: Chris Ayles
  7. Finance report to end September 2024
  8. Draft budget for 2025
  9. Report: Resourcing Group recommendations to Council and progress report
  10. Report: Fundraising and Community Building
  11. Proposal re AKWAK support
  12. Wider Church Engagement
  13. Any other business
  14. Meeting close

Click link below for the draft 2025 budget

Copy of Budget 2025 – Draft

Click to access


Sunday 21 April 2024 11:oo am

The AGM will be held Sunday, 21 April after the worship service.
There will be a community lunch after the meeting – please contact the church office to let us know if you wish to attend.

Draft Agenda for AGM

21 April 2024

commencing 15 minutes after Benediction 

  1. Welcome, Kaurna Acknowledgement
  2. Present & Apologies
  3. Confirmation of Agenda
  4. Confirmation of Minutes– 10 December 2022 (taken as read)

5.1 Supply Minister’s Reflections
5.2 Annual Report from Church Council and Chairperson’s
5.3 Interim Report from  Resourcing Group

    6.1 Appointment of scrutineers
    6.2 Election of Elders and other leaders
    7.1 Financial report as at 31 December 2023




Church Council 2023 Annual Report: (Click link below to access)
2024 CC ar

Minutes of  Meeting of the Congregation Sunday 10 December 2023
(Click link below to access)
23_12_10 Congregation Meeting Minutes_Draft_Rev 1

Click to access

10 December 2023 at 11:15am

There will be a Meeting of the
Congregation next week,
10 December. The meeting will begin
15 minutes after the Benediction of the
Service. As with recent practice, the
meeting will be held in the church.
During next week a draft agenda,
previous minutes and any other papers
will be emailed to members with
access to the internet. The papers will
be included in the Friday Envelopes
and will be available in printed form .

Minutes of the meeting 27 Aug 2023:
23_08_27 Congregation Meeting Minutes_Draft_Revised

Meeting of the Congregation

Sunday 10 December 2023, 11:15 am

Draft Agenda

 Welcome and Kaurna Acknowledgement

  1. Apologies
  2. Confirmation of the agenda
  3. Confirmation: Minutes of meeting held 27/8/23 (taken as read)
  4. Interim report from the Joint Nominating Committee
  5. Finance report to end October 2023
  6. Draft budget for 2024
  7. Report: Fundraising and Community Building
  8. Wider Church Engagement
  9. Any other business
  10. Meeting close

Click to access live steam of meeting

click to access

Church Council has prepared a draft
Congregation Profile.
It is normal process for the
congregation to endorse this
important document.
As a consequence, members of the
congregation are invited to attend a
meeting, after our worship, on 27th
August when the Congregation Profile
will be presented.
It is also expected that the Joint
Nominating Committee will be
appointed at the meeting.

Sunday 30 April 2023 10:45

Draft Agenda
20230430 con ag

Minutes of meeting 4 Dec 2022
22_12_04 Congregation Meeting Minutes_Draft Minutes

Projected material for the meeting:
AGM 30 April

Live stream Link

Click to access

Advance notice: Morialta UC will hold its Annual General Meeting on 30 April, after worship. Nominations for leadership positions as part of the Congregation Annual General Meeting elections for Church Council and other leadership positions will be held.

This year the process varies from past practice. A nomination form for all positions will be available. Please consider the gifts and abilities of those in the congregation and make the appropriate nomination. This time, those nominated will be approached so that they may be included in any ballot that will be necessary. Please consider this important process carefully and nominate those you discern have the grace and skill to help lead Morialta UC into the future.


Sunday 4 December 2022

Draft Agenda
20221204 Agenda meeting of cong 4 dec 2022
Minute of meeting 9 October 2022 for approval
20221009 Meeting of Cong 9 Oct 2022 draft

Live Stream link:


Sunday 9 October 2022

Please click image below for more information:


Sunday 3 April
AGM of the congregation

Finance Report to AGM 03.04.2022

Draft AGMAgenda_3 April2022

2022 AR

20220403 nom profiles

21_12_05 Congregation Meeting Minutes_Draft Minutes


Sunday 6 December 2020

We plan to hold our first Congregation Meeting for 2020 on Sunday,
6 December at 10:45 am, immediately after the worship service, in the bluestone church. The agenda and supporting documents are below. The
agenda and explanatory material will be distributed to those without email contact as part of the delivery on Friday 27th, with an offer to deliver copies of the supporting documents next week if desired.
Please phone Margaret Cargill with any questions on 0439 954814

Agenda for 6 December 2020 – updated 3 Dec 2020
201206 MtgOfCong_RevisedAgenda_3Dec

Draft minutes of the Congregation Meeting held 8 December 2019
191208 MtgOfCongMinutes_03

Summary of the audited financial accounts of Morialta UCA for 2019
2019 Accounts – Summary

Summary of Morialta’s accounts for January to October 2020
Accounts – Summary to October 2020

Balance sheet as of 30 October 2020
MUC Balance Sheet Oct 2020

Draft budget for Morialta UC for 2021, as endorsed by Church Council
Budget 2021 – Draft

Past meetings

AGM of the congregation
10:45am, Sunday 5 April

Meeting of the Congregation is postponed.
In this time when we are required to do things differently, the meeting of the congregation planned for 5th April will not go ahead, and an alternate way to elect those nominated to fill vacant positions on Church Council and in the Congregation has had to be adopted.
Following advice from Rev Sue Page, Associate General Secretary Synod of SA, Council resolved on 24 March to appoint in an acting capacity, effective 5th April 2020, those listed below who nominated for positions on Church Council and/or in the congregation that are vacant, for ratification by the next meeting of the congregation:
Elders nominated for Church Council Gaynor Hallows, Alan Hale, Lachlan Mackenzie, Carole Lyons Adam Yearsley, Bruce Ind
Chairperson of Congregation Margaret Cargill
Secretary of Congregation Craig Mackenzie
Morialta’s Representative to Wimala Presbytery for 2020-2021 Beverley Tredrea

New Church Council Effective from 5th April, Morialta’s Church Council will comprise Rev Bob Hutchinson, Chris Ayles, Judith Purling, Rhonda Amber, Helena Begg, Gaynor Hallows, Alan Hale, Lachlan Mackenzie, Carole Lyons, Adam Yearsley, and Bruce Ind.


Sunday 8 December 2019 

Dear Morialta friends

Looking forward to your company on Sunday at the meeting of the congregation.

Attached please find papers that will be presented at the meeting:

A few copies will be on the tables too.

Item 7.1 of the agenda is our discussion and decisions about the suggestions for our 2020 Beyond Morialta Mission Projects that Beverley Tredrea will bring to us. After Beverley’s introduction to the projects, you will be invited to circle, on a paper which will be on your table, up to three (3) projects for Morialta to adopt and support in 2020. The result of your selections will be announced in next Sunday’s newsletter and in Vision magazine.

Here is the list of projects:

  • Frontier Services
  • Timor Leste: Community health & nutrition education
  • PNG: Highland’s earthquake response (544,000 people affected in 2018)
  • Indonesia: HIV & TB clinic in West Papua Doctors treat 700 per month.
  • Sri Lanka: Empowering people with disabilities (occupational training)
  • Pacific Islands: Disaster readiness & climate change
  • Tonga: Cyclone Gita recovery (training for disaster, trauma counselling)
  • South Sudan: Peace building & trauma healing training
  • South Sudan: Midwifery training (school now in Kenya Refugee camp)
  • Pacific Islands: Gender equality theology

See you soon.

With warm wishes

Christine Secombe

Christine Secombe

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting of the congregation, 10:45 am, Sunday 8th December.

Attached please find;

  • The meeting agenda
  • Balance sheet to 31 October 2019
  • Budget analyses report, January October 2019
  • Multi-period profit and loss report, January October 2019.

191208 MtgOfCongAgenda

Morialta UC 10 Oct Balance sheet

Morialta UC 10 Oct Budget analysis

Morialta UC 10 Oct Mutiple period profit loss

Enjoy a muffin morning tea as we do the business of the congregation.

See you soon.

Yours sincerely

Christine Secombe

Secretary Morialta Uniting Church

26 Chapel St, Magill SA 5072

Ph: 08 8332 8339 / 0419 761 382


Special Meeting of the Congregation Sunday 6 October 10.45am, in the hall

We look forward to hearing what you think about the new Vision Statement for Morialta, and you will be updated about the action planned to follow the engineer’s inspection of both the manse and the bluestone church.

Congregation meeting 4th August –

Dear Morialta friends,

Here as promised, is the second tranche of papers for Sunday’s meeting of the congregation at 10:45 am. They are:

Dear Morialta friends

Margaret and I are looking forward to your company at the meeting of the congregation at 10:45 am on Sunday, 4th August.

As usual, there will be a muffin morning tea to support the projects selected as our 2019 Beyond Morialta Mission Projects focus.

The first tranche of papers is attached. They are:

Please bring any questions about the minutes or the financial reports with you on 4 August.

The agenda for the meeting and any other reports or papers will be available to you next week.

Sunday 2 June 2019

Dear Morialta friends,

A reminder that there will be a meeting of the congregation at 10:45 am on Sunday, 2 June.

As this is a special meeting called to consider two items, Morialta’s Mission Priorities and which Presbytery Morialta will join, there will be no printed agenda and none of the reports that would normally be expected at a meeting of the congregation. As usual, though, the Beyond Morialta Mission Projects Team will provide muffins for morning tea gold coin(s) donation is requested.

Two documents are attached, identifying our Mission Priorities for Moving Forward 2019 circulated and considered at our March meeting, and Choosing a Presbytery which complements and summarises the briefings Bob has provided over the past two Sunday mornings.

Links to documents
190331 CongregationResourceDocument
190602 ChoosingAPresbytery

You have probably either downloaded or printed Identifying our Mission Priorities for Moving Forward 2019. Please do the same with Choosing a Presbytery and bring both to the meeting with you. There will be two copies of each document on the tables at the meeting.

I look forward to seeing you on 2 June and to joining you in decision-making that will guide our way forward in God’s mission and ministry here at Morialta and in the wider Church.

AGM of the congregation
10.45 am, Sunday 31 March

Dear Morialta Friends,

I look forward to welcoming you to the Meeting of the Congregation to be held on Sunday 31 March from 10:45 am.

This is email 1 containing meeting papers, coming to you early to give you time for pre-meeting reading please! In addition to the several attachments listed below, may I draw your special attention to the one labelled Mission Priorities_ Congregation Resource Document_ March 2019 (available on request from the secretary). It reflects the work Council has done on discerning a process to help us move forward into 2019 and beyond, by recognising where we are and moving towards making decisions about where to from here. This is the document I referred to in my February Vision piece; it is quite long 8 pages, but the font is hopefully large enough for easy reading! I will present the main ideas from the document at the meeting, encourage your questions and comments, and outline the process we hope to follow from here, which will provide plenty of time for thoughtful reading, discussion and prayer.

It’s the beginning of a journey together.

The other attached papers are these:

Minutes of meeting held 2 December 2018 (These will be taken as read at the meeting and any questions or comments you may have about them will be very welcome.)

Warm regards,
Margaret Cargill

181202 MtgOfCongMinutes (1)


ProfitLossReport Jan-Dec18

BalanceSheet 31Dec18

190331 MtgOfCongAgenda

Past Meetings

10.45 am on Sunday 2 December.

Draft Minutes of the Meeting
181202 MtgOfCongMinutes

  • Revised agenda
  • Student Accommodation Project report
  • Interim 2019 budget
  • Beyond Morialta Mission Projects suggestions for 2019. You will be asked at the meeting to signal your preferences.
  • Magill InterChurch Council report.

181202 MtgOfCongAgenda-2

181202 StudentAccommodationProjectReport

181202 2019InterimBudget

181202 BeyondMorialtaMissionProjectsSuggestionsFor2019

181202 MagillInterchurchCouncilReport

The first set of papers for the meeting are below:

  • The draft agenda for the meeting
  • Minutes of our meeting held on 29 July – these will be taken as read at the meeting and any questions or comments you may have about them will be very welcome.
  • The budget analysis report and the Balance Sheet giving information on how we’re going to the end of October.
  • An update report from the Church Seating Steering Group will be taken as read and Christine Garner, Chair of the Group, will be available at the meeting for your questions and/or comments.

Church Council will bring two proposals to the meeting:

  1. Any decision regarding purchasing chairs be put on hold until there is clarification of the Congregation’s financial situation and property issues are addressed.
  2. If in the future, a decision is made to purchase chairs, the congregation note that the Church Seating Steering Group recommends Alloyfold Church Chairs (being those provided by way of example by Walkerville Uniting Church) as the preferred chair.

There may be more papers emailed early next week and, as usual, there will be a few copies of the papers on the tables at the meeting.

Margaret and I are looking forward to seeing you at the meeting please remember your gold coins for the muffin morning tea.

181202 MtgOfCongAgenda

180729 MtgOfCongMinutes

Morialta UC 10 Oct Budget analysis

Morialta UC 10 Oct Balance sheet

181202 ChurchSeatingSteeringGroupReport

Sunday 29 July 2018 – 10:45am

Church Hall

Draft minutes of the meeting
180729 MtgOfCongMinutes

The agenda for the meeting
180729 MtgOfCongAgenda

Minutes of our meeting held on 25 March.
180325 MtgOfCongMinutes

The budget analysis report and the Balance Sheet giving information on how we’re going to the end of June.
1806 BudgetAnalysis June2018
1806 BalanceSheet June2018

A report from the Church Seating Steering Group
180729 ChurchSeatingSteeringGroup

Morialta’s Child Safe Policy.
Morialta UCA Child Safe Policy

Sunday 25 March 2018 – 10:45am
Church Hall
Agenda for the meeting

Minutes of the meeting 26 November 2017
171126 MtgOfCongMinutes

2017 Annual Report

Balance sheet to 31 December 2017
BalanceSheet to 31Dec2017

Balance sheet – to 28 February 2018
BalanceSheet to 28Feb2018

Income & Expenditure – January to December 2017
Income&Expenditure Report JanToDec2017

Income & Expenditure January and February 2018
Income&Expenditure Report Jan&Feb2018

Budget V’s Actual report January to December 2017
BudgetVActual Report JanToDec2017

Community Centre Mission Ministry team –
Report to The Congregation 25 March 2018

Magill Inter-church Council (MICC)
Report to the Annual Meeting of Morialta Uniting Church 25th March 2018
MagillInterChurchCouncil Report